testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

Hey everyone, it's 2007! That's right, another year has gone by, and my baby testgame is that much older.  In commemoration of the birth of a new year, I thought it would be interesting to do a littl

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Hey everyone, it’s 2007!

That’s right, another year has gone by, and my baby testgame is that much older.  In commemoration of the birth of a new year, I thought it would be interesting to do a little look back at testgame as it has grown over its months on GameCola.  This just happens to coincide nicely with the fact that I don’t have much at all to say about this month’s updates (there’s basically just more prettiness things—you can read the list yourself).

Take a nice leisurely look at the before and after comparisons below.  Personally, I find it completely unbelievable that so much in testgame has changed in what seems like such a short amount of time.  Some of these images have never before been seen by non-Lizo eyes, so go crazy!

tega1 tega2
April 2005                                                             January 2007

testgame tega3
May 2005                                                             January 2007

testgame2 tega4
May 2005                                                             January 2007

testgame tega5
July 2005                                                             January 2007

artie artie2

               Original Artie (“kiltman”) sketch from December 2005               January 2007

Well that was fun!  Don’t forget to play the updated version of the game.  I’m a huge fan of at least one of the new things, maybe even two.

There will be more next month.  I swear.

TestGame v. 20

(no extra programs needed to run this file)

Things to do/new features of note:

·        New screen!  Paul can now walk into the castle!  There’s not much to do there (as in, nothing) but still!

·        New animation!  Go check out Paul’s crossing the stream dying scene.  It makes me laugh. 🙂

·        More new animation—now Artie drinks the soda for real.

·        Background work: vine screen, castle courtyard, path to castle.

·        More hotspots to look at and interact with in the path to the castle screen, and the castle entrance screen.

All the graphics and design are by Lizo.  The dialogue was written by Lizo, with significant input by Paul.  The background music is by Lizo.  “Let’s Go Skateboard” is written and performed by The Word Problems.  Adventure Game Studio (the program used to create this game) can be downloaded at http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/

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About the Contributor

From 2005 to 2013

Elizabeth Medina-Gray (a.k.a. Lizo) is the creator of the game-in-progress tentatively titled "testgame" and the author of "testgame.exe: Making the Adventure." She thinks videogames are cool.

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