Dear Readers: Go on a Little Early

Are you ready? I said...ARE...YOU..READY?? Well, then, that's excellent! We've got a new issue of everyone's favorite non-carbonated 'Cola ready right here, as you might've noticed, so, if you, yourself, are not entirely're a jackass. Stop making us wait! We're friggin' ready!

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Al Emmo(Editor’s note: This article was originally published in the October 2007 issue of GameCola, back when GameCola was published in a monthly online magazine format.)

GameCola Headquarters
Trenton, NJ 08619

October 1, 2007

Dear Readers,

Are you ready?


Well, then, that’s excellent! We’ve got a new issue of everyone’s favorite non-carbonated ‘Cola ready right here, as you might’ve noticed, so, if you, yourself, are not entirely ready…you’re a jackass. Stop making us wait! We’re friggin’ ready!

I’ve got no hugely Earth-shatteringly exciting GameCola news to report this monthnot like last month, with the hugely Earth-shatteringly exciting Versus Mode announcement—so I’m gonna try to let everyone go on to the rest of the issue a little early today. But I do have a few bullet points to communicate:

  • While we may have lost Steve Hamner as a staff writer last month, this month we’ve gained Sprite Monkey! You remember Sprite Monkey—he reviewed Mario Strikers Charged for us last month. He’s here for permanent now, writing a review for us every single solitary month. And maybe there’s something else here he’s involved in…but you’re never gonna be able to guess what that is.
  • Speaking of which, I’d also like to announce the debut of Myrtle T. Blinkin, our “senior” (HAHA—you’ll see how hilarious those quotation marks are after you read her article) correspondent who’s gonna be covering the Wii’s Virtual Console games for us for the time being. Thanks for helping us out, Myrtle!
  • I now have a third bullet point, and, at this point, I’m really reaching. But check this: I have SLIGHTLY CHANGED the Submissions page! Oh yeah! We’re no longer going to just be publishing every single comment we get. From now on…we’re only gonna be publishing the six or seven or so best. Can’t nobody ever tell us we’re stagnant, here at the ‘Cola!
  • And, with this—the fourth and final bullet point—I’ll be mentioning something that’s probably way bigger than at least the two that are directly above it. Check this. As per last month’s hugely Earth-shatteringly exciting Versus Mode announcement, this VERY month we’ll be featuring our very first celebrity guest star! In Versus Mode this month, we’ve got Christian Porter, of GameCola fame, taking on Britney Brimhall—the CEO of Himalaya Studios, which, of course, recently published the indie point-and-clicker Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman’s Mine.

Bullet-point-wise, that’s about all I’ve got for you this month.

In a few month’s time, though…that’s when things are gonna get real real interesting.

You know what’s going on in a few months, don’t you?



You know what that means! It means that right now is the time for me to start bugging you to do stuff for me. You see, every year we try to make our January issue—also known as the New Year’s Awards Special—a big deal. We almost always bring in a slew of new staff writers as well as a slew of new columns. So, if you’re interested in a regular gig with GC, now is definitely the time to start e-mailing me about it.

But, even if you don’t—even if you wanna just write a guest review, or just pen a quick article about whatever on your mind—that’s also cool. Just let me know, and we can work something out.

You may think it’s a bit early for me to be shilling for the Janish, but, well, I wouldn’t even call this schilling. This is pre-shilling. This column’s practically gonna be all shill in the next two issues. ENJOY IT!

Also—enjoy this issue! You may be excused, now.



Paul Franzen
editor in chief

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From 2002 to 2013

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