E3: Day One

So I was flipping through the San Jose Mercury News in order to see the comics, when I found an E3 Day One Recap (the Mercury News has shrunk to only three sections), and I thought I could get a pos

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beatles rock band boxSo I was flipping through the San Jose Mercury News in order to see the comics, when I found an E3 Day One Recap (the Mercury News has shrunk to only three sections), and I thought I could get a post out of their column on E3. Basically, they say three things happened at E3:

1. Double Fine Productions is Doing Something

Personally, I’m still a little miffed at how Double Fine totally ignored my resume, so I skipped over that part.

2. The Beatles: Rock Band

The Beatles reunited at E3 to promote The Beatles: Rock Band. This was the biggest picture in the article, because most newspaper readers are over sixty. Paul McCartney and his buddy Ringo Starr (who, I presume, wrote the song “There was a farmer had a dog / and Ringo was his name-o / R I N G O! / R I N GO”) sang some sort of song together. I am guessing that they did not use Rock Band instruments.

3. Project Natal

Not happy enough with The Beatles, Microsoft also brought out Steven Spielberg to promote Project Natal: their 3D motion sensor camera. “This is not about reinventing the wheel,” Spielberg said. “This is about having no wheel at all.”  Spielberg, of course, is an old pro at driving without wheels, if anything is to be gathered from Indy IV.

The article went on to say that “Other companies have started to build on the idea of having gamers interact with games using natural movements and gestures, rather than punching buttons. Gamers can play Electronic Arts’ ‘Rock Band’ and Activision’s ‘Guitar Hero’.” Yes, that’s right. Guitar Hero is a prime example of a game that does not involve punching buttons in any way, shape, or form.

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About the Contributor

From 2007 to 2016

Michael Gray is a staff writer for GameCola, who focuses on adventure games, videos and writing videogame walkthroughs.

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