testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

After last month's edition of testgame.exe: Making the Adventure, GameCola's Matt Gardner pointed out an important fact to me—I'm really slow at working on testgame. After stating this, he then made

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After last month’s edition of testgame.exe: Making the Adventure, GameCola’s Matt Gardner pointed out an important fact to me—I’m really slow at working on testgame. After stating this, he then made a deal with me: If I managed to put a bunch more puzzles and two new screens into the game by this month’s issue, he’d agree to do a voice for one of the characters (which I’m constantly bugging people to do). I took on the challenge, working diligently on testgame for days, even after classes started up again (remember spring break? Yeah, that was nice).

And then, disaster struck. And by disaster, I of course mean everything in the world conspiring to take up my time—time which by all rights should have been spent working on testgame!

So here is what I have to offer, meager though it may be. There are a ton of new items (well, five), all of which have something to do with new puzzles, although those puzzles don’t technically exist yet. And there are two new rooms (if you count another desk drawer as a new room), you just can’t get to one of those rooms yet.


And I really did do some stuff. I mean, just look at all those new features! To all those doubters out there, I say this: Deal with it.

Only three more weeks of classes, then testgame can have a place in my life again.


testgame v.12

(no extra programs needed to run this file)

**Note** If you get an error message about resolution when trying to run the testgame.exe file, first open the winsetup.exe file and change the resolution option to 640 x 400.

Voice Actors Wanted for the Following Characters

  • Thurston – Male; bad guy extraordinaire.
  • Artie – Male; somewhat helpful old guy in a kilt.
  • Creature – Female; high voice; NOT creepy, I swear.

Just contact me if you’re interested in any of these parts. At all. Really.


Things to do/new features of note:

  • New items! The new items since last month count is: 5!
  • You can now pick up and interact with the soda in Paul’s closet. Please do this, it makes me happy. 🙂
  • More stuff in Paul’s room! The right hand drawer is now openable, and it has cool stuff in it. 🙂
  • More gameplay stuff: You can now use the arrow keys as well as the W, A, S, and D keys to move Paul around the screen. One keystroke starts him walking in that direction, another one in the same direction makes him stop walking. This was requested by GameCola’s Mark Freedman a couple of months ago, and I just figured out how to do it.
  • New room! It’s there, I swear…. You just can’t get there yet.

Upcoming tasks for Lizo:


All the graphics and design are by Lizo. The dialogue was written by Lizo, with significant input by Paul. Paul is voiced (appropriately) by Paul Franzen. Lily is voiced by Lizo. Omar is voiced by Jenny. Adventure Game Studio (the program used to create this game) can be downloaded at http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/

5 votes, average: 8.80 out of 105 votes, average: 8.80 out of 105 votes, average: 8.80 out of 105 votes, average: 8.80 out of 105 votes, average: 8.80 out of 105 votes, average: 8.80 out of 105 votes, average: 8.80 out of 105 votes, average: 8.80 out of 105 votes, average: 8.80 out of 105 votes, average: 8.80 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

From 2005 to 2013

Elizabeth Medina-Gray (a.k.a. Lizo) is the creator of the game-in-progress tentatively titled "testgame" and the author of "testgame.exe: Making the Adventure." She thinks videogames are cool.

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