Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Sort of Released

If you've just finished reading the latest edition of "Versus Mode," and you're really interested in checking out the Square-canceled fan-made sequal to Chrono Trigger, Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoe

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If you’ve just finished reading the latest edition of “Versus Mode,” and you’re really interested in checking out the Square-canceled fan-made sequal to Chrono TriggerChrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes, then I have some sort of good news for you: You can kind of check it out.


According to, an alpha version of the game has been leaked to the Internets, and you can probably find it if you Google around. I did, but I’m not going to post it here, because I don’t want Square to shut us down, too. It’s the very first version of the game that was sent out to beta testers, and it’s missing key things, like some lines of dialogue. Actually, the development team is “embarased” that this version is available publicly, so you probably shouldn’t check it out after all.

I have more sort of good news, though! If you want to see the almost final edition, you can check it out on YouTube. The developers are posting a playthrough video of the entire game, and you can see the first video right here:

To see more videos of the game, go here.

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013


  1. I heard of some guy’s friend’s dude buddy that got ahold of the Alpha. I know him very well. Anyways, he reported that the alpha was only playable up to a certain point, and also, the difficulty was WAYYY too extreme (they hadn’t balanced things out yeah). Luckilly there was a bug whereby you could run away from boss battles. Still, the game eventually crashed. The game was really awesome; still have to watch all the youtube videos.

    Square wants us to “purchase more Chrono games”, but Chrono DS was just a port, essentially. And Chrono Cross locks up on my PS3. Why not rerelease it for the PSN store like they’ve done with FF7 and 8?

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