Fabricated News: The Next Rock Band Game

Everyone has been wondering who the next Rock Band band is going to be. Various groups have been suggested: Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Green Day, Yellow Day, Purple Day and *NSYNC. No official s

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Everyone has been wondering who the next Rock Band band is going to be. Various groups have been suggested: Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Green Day, Yellow Day, Purple Day and *NSYNC. No official statements have been made, however, and it seems that we won’t know who the next Rock Band game will star until it comes out later this year.

Or will we? I am proud to announce that “Fabricated News” (slogan: Now with 50% more made-up material!) just got an exclusive preview of this year’s biggest rock band…

Josie and the pussycats
I tried looking for this shirt on eBay, but they didn't have it. Alas!

That’s right, you can look forward to purchasing Rock Band: Josie and the Pussycats on February 37th. Rock the guitar as Josie, play drums as Melody, or sing as Valerie! The game comes complete with a leather-print pussycat outfit that you can wear, although please don’t invite us over when you do so.

Here’s the press release I received from the head of the game’s marketing team, Alexander Cabot III:

“Fresh off their recent success in the Sonic series, Josie and the Pussycats are going to once again take the music world by storm! Rock Band: Josie and the Pussycats is sure to be the best-selling game of the year, if my twin sister’s magical witch powers have anything to say about it. Starring all their greatest songs, such as “It’s All Right With Me” and “Pussycats in Outer Space,” longtime fans of the comics and TV show (but not the movie) will rejoice to finally have the opportunity to learn what the lyrics to the theme song are supposed to be. Personally, my money is on “cheese fleets, beats and songs / everybody come along,” but Alan says I’m wrong.  That lunkhead doesn’t know what he’s talking about, as usual. Why does Josie like him more than me? It makes no sense!”

All in all, this sounds like a great game (pun intended), and I’ll be sure to pick up a copy of it whenever it comes out.

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About the Contributor

From 2007 to 2016

Michael Gray is a staff writer for GameCola, who focuses on adventure games, videos and writing videogame walkthroughs.


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