Phoenix Wright: The Musical is a Real Thing

To get the bitter taste of the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone out of your mouth, I've got something that's pretty much the opposite of that: Phoenix Wright, the musical. No, not that mus

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musicalTo get the bitter taste of the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone out of your mouth, I’ve got something that’s pretty much the opposite of that: Phoenix Wright, the musical. No, not that musical; this new musical is 100% American (…or at least, it’s in English), and it stars official Friend of GameCola Matthew Taranto (aka the guy who does Brawl in the Family) as the spiky-haired slice of mancake himself.

The show’s called “Turnabout Musical,” and you can download a full 15 of its 30 tracks (with titles like “The Objection Song” and “It’s Gotta Be the Butz”) right here, right now for free. Hopefully the rest get released at some point, because I will gladly fork over the money I’ve saved from the Wii U not being a DVD player to fund these guys. Destructoid tells me that the show’s even been “sanctioned” by Capcom, so maybe that means our hearts won’t be shattered by them yet again!

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013


  1. I’m downloading the tracks right now just in case the site gets axed. I hope the musical proves to be just as good, if not better!

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