This Day in GameCola History: October 21st

Why the seemingly random date? Maybe you should stop and think about it...

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You may not believe it, but today is a celebrated day in GameCola’s long and varied history. October 21st is one of GameCola’s most important—if also most often forgotten—holidays. It’s a time for reflection; a time for remembrance of things past while most people are thinking about the future. After reading through the details below, I’m sure you’ll see why this is such an important day of the year here on our Actual Internet Website (and YouTube channel, GCDotNet).

If you’re wondering why history stops in 2009, maybe it’s something you should add to your traditional October 21st Reflection List. Don’t forget to burn it in the pure flame of a red candle when you’re done!

October 21st, 2014—GC Podcasts #51-53 on YouTube: Just Another Turtle, Paul & Jeddy!

What better way to celebrate our history than with a post about our history? Last October 21st, we looked back at the podcasts of yore. Why not take a moment (or, a few hours as the case may be) to reflect on the past and listen to these classics yourself?

October 21st, 2013—Fabricated News: Indie Developer Making New Game Without Kickstarter Funding

While the news in “Fabricated News” may be fabricated, biting satire can often bring about the most consideration on a topic. With that in mind, it was in 2013 that we wanted people to stop and think about Kickstarter campaigns for indie games. Are they really necessary? Don’t let us decide for you; give it some thought!

2013 had a big holiday turnout! This YouTube video from our YouTube channel, GCDotNet, that was posted on one October 1 21st in 1997 2013. Does threat of The END DAY still loom over us all? Were GBC ports of NES games ever a good idea? Take some time to reflect as you watch Nathaniel’s playthrough of Crystalis for Game Boy Color.

October 21st, 2011

In a real show of October 21st spirit, we observed a day of silence on this Friday the 21st of October in 2011. What more can I say? GameCola is serious about October 21st.

October 21st, 2010—Formal Warning to Dr. Albert Wily

Have you ever considered the real implications of videogame boss levels? Nathaniel did, one October 21st.

October 21st, 2009—A Thought…

As we reach far back in GameCola history, it all begins with a thought. What was Michael Gray thinking about? You’ll have to click the link to find out!

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About the Contributor

Since 2007

Alex "Jeddy" Jedraszczak is presiding Editor-in-Chief at GameCola, not only editing content but often writing it as well. On top of all this GameCola work, he also develops indie games.


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