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Quantum Geek: Episode 6 – Send More S.T.A.R.S.
Columns by Michael Ridgaway on through the copy of the code I have on my other machine, maybe see what I can find.” “Yeah…yeah. OK. That sounds good. Why don’t you run and do...
Inside the Guide: American Activity Book
Columns by Michael Gray on
Hello everyone, and welcome to Inside the Guide. In honor of the Fourth of July, I’m taking a holiday and not writing a column this month. Instead, I’m going to...
PICO-8: The Internet’s Microconsole
Blog Posts by Alex Jedraszczak on
...15,400 bytes’ worth of Lua code. Considering that Pizzarian took about that many lines’ worth of C# code, you’re unlikely to see any games lasting more than five or 10...
[NSFW] Duke Nukem Forever (X360)
Reviews by Christian Porter on a code word for a sex act in which two people perform oral sex on each other simultaneously, but, really, isn’t just referencing the number constantly something that stops...
Tim Schafer and Ron Gilbert Making a New Adventure Game, and You’re Funding It
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
This is NEWS! Tim Schafer—co-creator of Day of the Tentacle, lead designer of Grim Fandango and Psychonauts, and really nice guy who let me steal his Facebook photos—announced just minutes...
Sonic CD Details: Release Dates, Pricing, and Delays
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
Capcom recently did an average job porting Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica to the Xbox 360 Games on Demand service and the PlayStation Network. Each of these...
Don’t Be That Guy: This Banning Season
Columns by Daniel Castro on
...violating the Code of Conduct (section following), it may cause issues in future interpersonal relationships to have that information public.” Next up, how about being suspended for being “too good”...
[EXPLICIT] Water Closet: The Forbidden Chamber (PC)
Reviews by Matt Gardner on
...hold fully responsible for bringing this game up in the first place). To give you a bit of background, Paul and I were IMing about a review code for a...