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Back to the Future: Episode 2 Released?!
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
...on their Facebook page! We haven’t even received a review code yet! This is the first time in five years that we haven’t received a Telltale review code prior to...
Contra (NES)
Reviews by Mark Freedman on
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, (Select), Start. It didn’t start here, but this is what made the Konami code so famous. It’s amazing how much...
Preserving the Plastic: Top Ten Rules to Live By
Columns by Allec Johnson on
There are always some basic rules or a code to hold near and dear to your heart when it comes to any aspect of life. These codes can be anything...
Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Travis Combs
Columns by Travis Combs on
...flying crafts, heavy and light tanks, stationary guns, and transports. It was just all so cool. The best thing was when I discovered a code to play against one-another. My...
Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Justin Walden
Fan Submissions by GameCola on
...remember what buttons to press for the 30 Lives code? I know I don’t, and I could never do it either. Always had to have my friends type it in....
Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Matt Wright
Columns by Matt Wright on
...out your save game code. Did I mention this also has a time limit??? What the hell were they smoking when they thought that was a good idea??? It’s a...
Versus Mode: E3, Denzel as Master Chief, Halo 4, and More
Columns by GameCola on
...bucks for a Madden ’07 promo show. Casey: Well, it’s not something I would ever do, but then I would never play a Madden game anyway. I would bet that...
The 2020 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 1)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
...steep difficulty curve. Not insignificant to the seamless integration of these elements is the fact that the games are built directly from the original source code, an element which I...