[NSFW] BREAKING: Ace Attorney E3 Summary

When is a ladder not a ladder?

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So today was the interview with the producer of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies. I will briefly summarize it here.

  • Things that Capcom said they could not confirm: release date, cost, DLC.
  • The length of the game is roughly the same as Trials and Tribulations. They were mum on the amount of cases, but implied that it would take 25-30 hours to complete fully.
  • No Jurist System from Apollo Justice. They dropped that plot line like a hot potato, I see.
  • Phoenix will be voice acted by his voice actor from Marvel vs. Capcom… Wait, didn’t we know that already?
  • Simon Blackquill is a prosecutor convicted of murder and his level of psychological manipulation can be used on both witnessed and the judge. That’ll be interesting for sure.
  • The new detective is officially named Detective Fulbright. His motto is “In Justice we Trust!”. Also, he’s immune to Blackquill’s manipulation because he’s too stupi—er, “oblivious” to realize that he’s being manipulated.
  • THE STEPLADDER JOKE IS RETURNING. Players will have to “find it for themselves”, but it’ll be there somewhere.
  • On a downer, Detective Gumshoe will (most likely) not make an appearance. The producer said he “didn’t know what Gumshoe was up to these days”, which is basically a confirmation that he won’t appear. 🙁

But finally, the news you’ve all been waiting for…

  • MAYA IS HINTED AS A RETURNING CHARACTER. Well, there was no denial anyway. The producer was deliberately vague about Maya’s reappearance, simply stating, “I wonder about Maya…”. Taking into account what he said about Gumshoe, THAT’S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME!

Stay tuned, PhoenixWrightCola faithful. Your fearless reporter is ever on the case.

Keep calm with these two awesome GIFs that I discovered. Yes. My new Mac can download GIFs. Get used to it.

tumblr_mmvicb1P7H1rj2sv1o1_400Ready for battle

tumblr_mno8l8wyQa1qzp9weo4_400Until next time… OBJECTION!

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Diana is GameCola's resident fangirl of many things, but predominantly Ace Attorney. She has her own YouTube channel where she dates birds (and other animals) and often makes people cry, mostly herself.


  1. AUUUUUGH! Okay, FINE, I’m excited about this game now. BEGRUDGINGLY so. My big concern was that they seemed to be mostly ignoring if not (ironically) totally contradicting canon, but the fact that so many old characters are returning squelches that. Also, they wouldn’t tease Maya if she wasn’t actually in the game, right? …RIGHT??

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