Archive for Category: Podcasts
GC Podcast #182: Patently Absurd
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
You've been served!
GC Podcast #181: Sun Tzu’s Art of Tactical Videogames
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
Sun Tzu said: Subscribe to GCDotnet today!
GC Podcast #180: Mario and Sonic at the NOlympic Games
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
Did the Olympics steal all the videogames?
GC Podcast #179: Your Most Anticipated Game Will Be Terrible
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
Prepare to be pleasantly disappointed.
GC Podcast #178: What if Zelda was a Girl?
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
Oddly featuring a lot of Mario talk
GC Podcast #177: Nueva San Nuevo Fran Mumbattokyork
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
The city of dreams
GC Podcast #J4: Pizza Time
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
Space Quest AdventureCast – Part 3: Explosive Finale
Podcasts by James Pelster on
It's been a fun ride, but all good things must come to an end.
GC Podcast #176: Decide Thine Own Journey
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
Pick you Path-oinson
GC Podcast #175: Palgorithmically Generated
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
Hey, Pal...