Archive for Category: Videos
Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge Preview
Videos by Michael Gray on
Who wants to see a preview of the Nancy Drew game that's being released this fall/winter? Well, too bad. You're getting one anyway.
EarthBound Playthrough
Videos by Paul Franzen on
EarthBound is a plague. I don't mean that in the sense that it's caused worldwide devastation and killed thousands of people (though I haven't fact-checked that); I just mean that it's been plaguing
Scott Pilgrim vs. My Heart
Videos by Paul Franzen on
Scott wins. I don't know if I actually want to see the Scott Pilgrim movie or not, but this trailer of the upcoming game based on the movie...based on the comic book...which appears to be in part bas
GC Podcast #18 on YouTube: Michael & Paul’s Excellent Adventure
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
If you watch long enough, you'll see a snowmobile crash into a big rock.
Speak American: Episode 1
Videos by Christian Porter on
An English-only speaker's guide to games that have the audacity to speak a different language.
Majora’s Mask Dance Video
Videos by Michael Gray on
It's time for a The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask dance video!
Miles Edgeworth Investigations Videos
Videos by Michael Gray on
Coming this summer... To the GameCola YouTube channel... It's a video walkthrough for Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth! Edgeworth has his own videogame, with five brand-new cases to solv
Mega Man 3: Finished!
Videos by Michael Gray on
Last week, the first half of GameCola's video walkthrough for Mega Man 3 was put on YouTube. Guess what? The second half of the walkthrough has recently been finished!Good news: The second half of t
Mega Man 3 Videos Up!
Videos by Michael Gray on
Hey there, GameCola readers. This is just a quick post letting you all know that the first five videos for GameCola's video walkthrough of Mega Man 3 from the Mega Man Anniversary Collection are now