Archive for Tag: college
Dear Readers: Who Has Time to Play Games?
Columns by Paul Franzen on
I don't know about you guys, but I sure haven't been playing many video games lately. (Is it just me, or is this not the first time I've started off a "Dear Readers" with those words? Crazy.) What with schoolwork, transferring to another college, saving money for and purchasing Christmas gifts, and just being an all around loaf, it seems like I've gone an entire month without saving the world. Oh sure, I've died a few times in Way of the Samurai, rediscovered how annoying Legend of Mana is, punched a few deserving small children in Fable (honestly, can't they just quit making fun of me for not breaking the barrels?), and started to play the new GoldenEye (I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far -- look for a review next issue), but most of this month has been spent on things much less important than video games. For this, I am sorry.
Games for the Casual Gamer: Halo
Columns by Julie Kozarsky on
Finally college has arrived, and brought with it new friends, new experiences, and new video games. Freed at last from my brother's collection, I have a brand-new set of friends whose video games I ca
Advice for the Sensitive Gamer #11
Columns by Jenna Ogilvie on
Jenna Ogilvie offers advice about making friends with "real gamers," boyfriends who spend too much time gaming, and more.
Advice for the Sensitive Gamer #7
Columns by Jenna Ogilvie on
Jenna Ogilvie offers advice about sweating at night, going to college, and more.
Dear Readers: Atrophy
Columns by Paul Franzen on
Along with fellow Team GameCola member Brian Wolf, I've been playing a lot of Secret of Mana (SNES) this month. We totally rock at it (though, let it be known that I'm the only one of us to have ever cleanly completed the game). Occasionally, somebody else from our dormitory here at Rutgers University will join up with us; but as a general rule of thumb, they don't know their rabites from their cups of wishes. It's sad, really -- all these kids who claim to have played SoM in their youth are now totally out of touch with the game. It's gotten to the point where we'd prefer to have the characters be powered by AI than by an actual human being. Anyone familiar with Secret of Mana should immediately see that this is a sad state of affairs.
Dear Readers: GameCola – The College Years
Columns by Paul Franzen on
This is it. This is the last issue of GameCola to be produced partly in Tabernacle, NJ. By the time you'll have started reading my opening column, Brian Wolf, Matt Gardner, Jenna Ogilvie, Neal Iannone, and myself will all have started our freshman years at college.