Archive for Tag: Get Out of Your Damn House
Get Out of Your Damn House: Panic Park in Washington, DC
Columns by Zack Huffman on
I’m sure it’s become painfully obvious that this column has been my attempt to write about things that aren’t videogames. The fact of the matter is that I’m not nearly the gamer I was when Paul found my reviews and talked me into joining GameCola. (For the record, he didn’t try too hard, nor did he have to.)
Get Out of Your Damn House: X-Men in Indiana
Columns by Zack Huffman on
What happens when you're rarely around a computer? Onlines columns that you write suffer for it. I was about to write a piece about an overnight bus trip I took with a bunch of liberal weekend warriors for a huge anti-war protest in D.C., which included an account of our sad descent into tourism taking us to a huge mall complete with a visit to the local arcade and a ridiculous videogame that had be designed for drunks and retards in bibs to catch their drool. Sadly, this is going to have to wait.
Get Out of Your Damn House: Time Killers in Mississippi
Columns by Zack Huffman on
About a year ago, most of us living in our dens of privilege heard something about a Hurricane Katrina and the havoc it wreaked on Louisiana and Mississippi. We watched news correspondents like Anderson Cooper flip out on live television when they came face to face with the savage destruction. For many of us, the destruction meant little more than the carnage we've already witnessed in piece of shit movies like Twister, Deep Impact and Carnosaur 1, 2 and 3. Much like with those flicks, we paid attention for about an hour and a half before looking for something else to occupy our time.
Get Out of Your Damn House: Burnout and Jaws in Pensacola
Columns by Zack Huffman on
Early June. We had a few days to kill in Pensacola, so I figured it was the perfect time for some doing nothing on the beach. Pensacola is one of the many large cities that have been nailed by hurricanes in the last year. Until other, more unfortunate towns like Gulf Port, Mississippi and obviously New Orleans, Pensacola is a predominantly tourist town with very little interesting history. Most of the damage was done to expensive beachfront housing, which is owned by rich people. So at least no one innocent people were hurt or set back financially.
Get Out of Your Damn House: Sunset Riders in San Antonio
Columns by Zack Huffman on
Monday morning in San Antonio. We were unable to get ahold of anyone that we know here, so we had to find a place to squat for the night. Luckily, we had received a tip from a friend the other day abo