Archive for Tag: Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Be Careful What You Search For #95
Comics by Terrence Atkins on
Everybody's waiting for you!
Herc’s Adventures (PSX)
Reviews by Meteo Xavier on
And here we are. The third and least recognizable entry in the ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS trilogy. Lucas really has a way with trilogies, doesn't he? He made the awesome Star Wars trilogy, then he made
Ghoul Patrol (SNES)
Reviews by Meteo Xavier on
So you just read my review of Zombies Ate My Neighbors and now you want to know if the direct sequel matches up. Or do you? Even if you clicked this page by mistake (ed.: I should've kept the typo "l
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES)
Reviews by Meteo Xavier on
I'm not going to lie to you, or wait until the end of the page to get the point across to you: ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS is awesome. It is so awesome that I can't think of a better way to open up my re