Webpage of the Bimonth: “Dragon-Warrior.com“
Although it doesn’t contain walkthroughs, cheats, or other elements usually associated with websites based on video games, Dragon-Warrior.com is one of the best, if not the best, Dragon Warrior sites out there. Within the confines of this excellent website, you can find comics based on Dragon Warrior (Dragon Warrior 101 being the main comic of several, and quite funny), a store where you’ll find links to pretty much all Dragon Warrior-related merchandise (games, music, t-shirts, etc.), AIM bots, images, fan-made games, message boards, and more!
What more could you possibly want? What’s that, you say? You want to see a mage get stripped naked by a slime? Well, it’s your lucky day, because Dragon-Warrior.com has that, too! So hurry your dragon-hungry self over to Dragon-Warrior.com before it’s too late!
Too late for what? I guess you’ll just have to go there and find out for yourself.