Dear Readers,
So you wanna write for GameCola?
Here’s your chance to shine!
We’re looking to pump up our Second Annual New Year’s Awards Special with numerous guest reviews. If you’ve got the interest, the talent, and the testicular fortitude to bare your soul in the best goshdarn gaming newsletter that the Internet has to offer, drop me a line and I’ll fill you in with more details.
Don’t like the limitations of writing about just one game? No problem! You might recall how last year’s January issue featured not one, but TWO reader-submitted top ten lists. We wanna do that again this year! Remember that you can write about either your favorite or least favorite video games — so if you’ve already written one list, you’ve still an opportunity to write the other!
You might be wondering why you should even bother submitting your writing to GameCola. “Sure, it’s totally cool to see something I wrote in such an awesome webazine, but that’s just not enough for me.” How would you like to be a part of Team GameCola? Granted, the work (as of now anyway) is purely pro bono, but being with us could give you that extra bit of experience that GamePro’s looking for. Or, if you stay with us for the long run, there may be a paycheck in it for you some day. Plus, you get a super-cool e-mail address! What more could you want?! Obviously, we’ve no intention of taking on every single person who sends us a review/top ten list (you’re not all going to want to join, and we don’t have the space for it), but we’ve always got our eyes peeled for talented and creative new blood. In fact, Brian, Kevin, Neal, Jenna, and Kyle all started working for GameCola after showing off their skills in some sort of submission.
If you want to write a guest review for us, that’s awesome. If you want to write a top 10 list for us, that’s also awesome. If you want to join our staff, we’d (probably) love to have you, but you can write for us even if you’re doing it just for kicks. Remember what I’ve told you today. Cherish it in the bowels of your brain. Send us a submission. And, above all else, keep in mind this quotation from Captain Planet:
The power… is yours!
Paul Franzen