And speaking of video games, I’m sure there are just gobs of you readers out there waiting with bated breath for an update on the captivating new adventure game, TestGame.exe! Well, today just happens to be your lucky day. For here I am, back again for the third installment of TestGame.exe: Making the Adventure!
Most of the updates this month have to do with dialogue. That’s right, TestGame.exe now boasts complete voice acting, and with more than one actor! Maybe someday there will be three actors… let’s not get our hopes up.
Also, narration stinks. I’m starting to grow an aversion to it. Yet it remains (for now).
As an added bonus, you lucky readers you, due to popular demand, we’ve added another feature to this feature (haha). Some of you (GC’s Matt Gardner, actually) seem to have had problems with the puzzles in this game. Well, puzzle, really. So I’m going to lend a helping hand. Yes, you’ve guessed it. Get ready for the…
**Warning!!! Spoilers ahead!**
- Paul encounters a locked door. To unlock the door, open the left hand drawer in the desk in the room, and pick up all the items until you find a key. Use the key to unlock the door.
- Yeah, that’s it. 🙂
**End of potential spoilers!**
Well, this article looks about long enough now…. So on to the actual game! 😀
(no extra programs needed to run this file)
Things to do/new features of note:
- Watch the super amazing intro cutscene featuring NewCharacter!Girl (or at least her back anyway…) and plot(ish)!
- Notice how much faster Paul walks! This should make some people happy!
- Listen to more awesome voice acting and try not to get too annoyed by the narration.
- Try to open the locked bedroom door at least twice.
- Read Paul’s mother’s letters (:D).
- Note the trash can in Paul’s room.
Upcoming tasks for Lizo:
- Anything involving backgrounds/characters/graphics of any sort. I’ve been rather lax in this department this month, and that second screen is starting to give me a headache.
- More plot, more stuff happening in the forest scenes (will need to actually finish animating the girl, aannd will need a whole other character too gosh darnit).
- Doing something with the map. Anything. Not sure why it’s there, actually.
All the graphics, design, and dialogue are by Lizo. Paul is voiced (appropriately) by Paul Franzen. Overly Dramatic and Poorly British Girl is voiced by Lizo. Adventure Game Studio (the program used to create this game) can be downloaded at