Greetings! Welcome to another entertainment-filled edition of the THUMBS that are SUPER. This month we shall be journeying all around the gaming spectrum from old to new and new to well, that which really isn’t new, but is new to me. From good to… well… let’s just say there are probably good reasons time has forgotten some of these things. Well, here goes nothin’!
Shin Megami Tenesi: Nocturne (PS2)
Now this game is an RPG with a kinda odd but entertaining story. Loads different from your normal hero saves the world story, that’s for sure! The game unfolds mostly though your going through the levels, randomly getting attacked by gangs of hippies leading up to boss fights, just like most RPGS. The battles are mostly like that of other RPGS titles what with the HP, MP, attacking and fleeing and such. However there are a few cool twists, such as your party. You pretty much make your own party and can change it whenever you want, as long as you coerce some new demon pals to join you, or fuse some of the old lame ones you have into snazzier new ones. Also the combat plays a lot it to the weakness/strengths and voids of the different elements and such each demon might have as its attribute. These lead into gaining/loses turns which actually helps add a bit more strategy than your average RPG
Captain Eric’s Super Thumbs Say… Thumbs Up!!
Taboo: The Sixth Sense (NES)
Well this is one old old game and I had no clue what it was even about, but when you turn it on the first screen you see tells you it was made by RARE, so well, it has to be UBER!, right?! Umm. no. This isn’t even really a game; it’s more of a tarot reading via video game, but its not even a good one. It makes you slide a cursor around the screen to type in all this information and then after all of that, you input a question, and it does a tarot reading. However, the tarot reading is all about your future really and written in ways that make little-to-no sense, after it does the reading.. well that’s it, the end, scr00 j00r question. GOOD TIMES FOR ALL I SAYS.
Captain Eric’s Super Thumbs Say… Thumbs Down.
Wall Street Kid (NES)
HEY NOW! Do you LLOOOOOVE Wall Street!? Are you a little JBL in the making!? Do you grab your morning paper and rush straight for the, ehh, uuh, what do that call that, stock section? Yeah well, me nether, but if you did, you MIGHT find this game amusing for maybe 20 more seconds than I did because that’s all you do in this game: buy stocks and let the days go buy, hoping to gain more and more money so your gold-digging girlfriend gets pretty gifts and your asshole friends/parents can see what huge houses and other expensive stuff you can buy. It’s almost as fun as reading a newspaper. Huzzah.
Captain Eric’s Super Thumbs Say... Thumbs Down.
Alien Hominid (PS2)
This game was originally a Flash game on or whatever; I can’t be bother to spell things correctly! It’s a very fast-paced side-scrolling shooting game. It might remind you of some of the Contra games or such. When I say fast-paced I mean FAAAAST. This game is immensely fun even when you’re dying… which for me was quite rapid. It can be two players which is pretty much needed to get anywhere in the game; you can tell the aliens apart because one gets to wear a snazzy hat. There are limited lives and limited continues so its hard to beat, even with two players, as you will probably die semi-frequently, especially at the bosses. But even though it can get frustrating as you hopelessly try and try again to defeat these levels, it is still very entertaining.
Captain Eric’s Super Thumbs Say… Thumbs Up!
Battlebots (GBA)
Ever watched that Battlebots show and say “MAAAN I WANT TO SMASH STUFF! PREFERABLY ROBOT-LIKE STUFF!!”? Well, this is the game that lets you do that. Not only do you get to bash other robots from the show, but you get to design your own destructive force! Sounds fun DOESN’T IT!? Well.. not as fun as you may think. Sure it’s fun to zip around the arena bashing the brains out of your opponent, but after each battle you are expected to repair or fight with a half dead bot. Since the rewards for winning aren’t all that high in the early going you may be going out there with a half dead bot most of the time, and.. that’s not cool. The graphics aren’t really all that good either and sometimes it’s hard to even tell what you’re beating on. While its fun for a while, it wont last you very long .
Captain Eric’s Super Thumbs Say… Thumbs Down.
Well folks, that’s about the end of things for this month. TWO up, THREE down! As always, come back again next month’s for an even GREATER edition of those wily SUPER THUMBS!