Here at GameCola, there’s not generally a lot of talk on sports games. Maybe that’s because from year to year, the games don’t change much. When it’s jumping up to the next generation, there’s a graphics overhaul, but it basically stays the same. Well now in an effort to force gamers to buy the next iteration (gamers who play online, at least), EA has annouced they are shutting down many game servers on older games. This sours my opinion of EA even more. Not only do they have the exclusive rights to the NFL franchise (RIP ESPN NFL 2K5), but they rerelease the same damn game every year with new stats and some bullshit “Hit Stick 7.0” upgrade! OK, I understand them shutting down servers for PlayStation 2… I am even surprised you can play these games online. Online play isn’t exactly readily advertised with PS2. But do you really want to kill Madden 09 so soon? Since all you change is basically the same damn stats, why not just allow us to download a new roster/stats upgrade pack for $5 as downloadable content, or upgrade the textures/in-game advertisements for an additional cost? It’s not like the rules of football change from year to year, right?
I can see it now. Madden 2014 will stop being playable as soon as Madden 2015 comes out—basically like a trial demo, except you still have to pay $60. This is why my extent of owning Madden games went from Madden 94 (SNES) and Madden 07 (Wii). I only got 07 because I wanted to try out the Wii controls, really. With all the extra buttons on modern controllers these days, you couldn’t come up with a decent way of hiding which play I’m picking? In Madden 94, I highlighted a row of plays, and hit Y, X, or A to choose play 1, 2, or 3. Now, there’s just a highlight on one play, and you see what play I’m picking. What a joke. Have you forgotten the days when “multiplayer” didn’t necessarily mean “online” ? Give me a new Mutant League Football or Tecmo Bowl!

Here’s the full set of game server shutdowns:
April 6, 2010 Online Service Shutdown
- Madden 09 for PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Wii and Xbox 360
February 9, 2010 Online Service Shutdown
- FIFA 07 for PC
- Madden 07 for Xbox 360
- Madden 08 for PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PC, Wii and Xbox 360
- NHL 08 for PC
- Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 07 for PC
- UEFA Champions League 07 for PC
February 2, 2010 Online Service Shutdown
- Facebreaker for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
- Fantasy Football 09 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
- FIFA 07 for PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 2
- Fight Night Round 3 for PlayStation 2
- March Madness 07 for Xbox 360
- NBA LIVE 07 for PlayStation Portable and Xbox 360
- NBA LIVE 08 for PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable and Wii
- NBA LIVE 09 for Wii (Europe only)
- NBA Street (2007) for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360
- NCAA Football for 08 PlayStation 2
- NCAA Football for 09 PlayStation 2
- NASCAR 08 for PlayStation 2
- NASCAR 09 for PlayStation 2
- NASCAR 09 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (Europe Only)
- NFL Tour for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360
- NHL 07 for PlayStation Portable and Xbox 360
- UEFA Champions League 07 for Xbox 360