According to Joystiq—and probably a lot of other sites, too, but Joystiq’s the only videogame news site I read now, since I gave up on Kotaku when their headlines started getting annoying to read in my RSS aggregator—where was I?
According to Joystiq, the next Sonic game, currently known as Project Needlemouse, will be starring Sonic, and only Sonic. This is news, because, in many of the more recent Sonic games, Sonic has had to share the spotlight with a supporting cast consisting of attendees to a furrie convention, like this guy, who’s name is seriously “Big the Cat”:

Sonic’s multitude of stuffed animal BFFs are reportedly gone now, which should make a lot of fans of the original series happy, or, at the very least, give them one less thing to whine about on GameFAQs message boards. Is their removal a sign that things are looking up for the Sonic franchise? Or will Project Needlemouse just be another Sonic Unleashed, or Sonic Heroes, or Sonic & the Black Knight, or Sonic and the Secret Rings, or…
I am possibly the only person who enjoyed the games you’ve listed there, hahaha… ha… I trust Sega. In the past six months, they’ve really picked up the pace. I very much await Project Needlemouse, and you can be sure I’ll jump at the chance to review it.
Sonic & The Black Knight sounds like it stars Batman, or maybe Martin Lawrence.
Eh, I never liked SOnic, not even the classic ones that are playable in Sonic and The Secret Gems Collection or whatever it’s called.
The new game won’t even have Tails? Tails is awesome though, but the rest of the other characters seem pretty lame.
Sonic Unleashed was probably the closest they’ll ever get to a legitimately “good” sonic game, and even that’s not saying much.
Sega, please, let Sonic die. He’s pretty much become the joke of the gaming industry, and not many people should take him seriously.
You should instead focus on your game series about muscular Japanese gangsters fighting shirtless.
I’m starting to hate most of the staff here. =
Some are better than others but, really, I’ve yet to play a 3d sonic game that “works”.
Matt: Because they don’t like the new Sonic games? Harsh, Matt Jonas!
Aye, I am harsh. Apologies.
Um. I’ve been hating them ever since I joined staff.
The list only took out possible playable characters. Tails wasn’t even on the list. There was no mention that they would not been seen in the game, only that they will not be playable.
The reason Sonic games have been bad is because Sega pushes Sonic Team to get the game out as quickly as possible, no matter how unfinished the game actually is. There is plenty potential for a good Sonic game, it’s just that it’s screwed over by the publisher because the games still sell well. If you want someone to “die”, ask that it be the higher-ups at Sega. Not Sonic.
I did like Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.