CONFIRMED: The Simpsons Arcade Game Comes Home!

Long the subject of rumors and speculation, the PlayStation Blog revealed today that, yes, The Simpsons Arcade Game—also known as "the good Simpsons game"—will be coming home to consoles (or at le

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simp2Long the subject of rumors and speculation, the PlayStation Blog revealed today that, yes, The Simpsons Arcade Game—also known as “the good Simpsons game”will be coming home to consoles (or at least, console) this February.


The Simpsons Arcade Game is a Konami beat ’em up from a time when Konami made really good beat ’em ups, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It’ll be free to PlayStation Plus members starting on February 7, though no pricing or release date was mentioned for us regular folk. In November the game was rated for the 360 by the Australian games classification board, perhaps indicating a pending XBLA release, as well.

With four-player online co-op and—one hopes—a way to gain extra lives without jamming quarters into your console, this February could mark the first time that anyone has ever gotten to the end of this game. I call Marge.

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013


    1. I don’t think this game even HAS an ending, Nathaniel! Nice try!

      Now that you mention it, though, I recall a camping trip with my family and best friend when I was in middle school, where we spent half a day running back and forth between the campground’s arcade, and my parent’s pop-up trailer, one of us continually attempting to beg for more quarters while the other tried desperately to stay alive long enough for the other to return. I think we got near the end, at least, if not out-right beating it.

  1. We play this at parties at my house on my MAME emulator on my Wii. Er, wait, I mean, I won a legit arcade cabinet.

    Hmm, well, clearly, HOMER is the best. Is this fake news? Marger clearly stinks with her vacuum.

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