LEGO Minecraft Is Just LEGOs

Available for pre-order now from Minecraft LEGOs!

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minecraft2Available for pre-order now from Minecraft LEGOs! First teased in January, the “LEGO Minecraft” set takes all the fun of building things in a videogame, and brings it to the real world. I guess.


The thing is, like, I could just buy a 50-cent bag of LEGOs from a garage sale, and build this. Why is this an interesting thing that I would want to pay $35 for? If you know, POST!

It ships in Summer 2012. Or, right now, if you go to a store and buy a box of LEGOs.

Edit: When I showed my wife the LEGO set and told her how much it cost, she just moaned “NO NO NO NO NO!”

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013


  1. LEGO Minecraft is cool if your a hardcore LEGO fan. By buying this set, you obtain many various colors of 1×1 flat pieces, and the ‘people’ having unique printings for the faces. Also, the fact that the axles can be placed in multiple ways, it allows for different landscapes that can be built. Also, since it is LEGO, you can rearrange the pieces however you want and make Minecraft a reality for your office desk, dresser, or any place for display.

    I don’t know why it’s $35 bucks, though. Why is LEGO so expensive nowadays?

    1. See, that’s the thing–it seems comical to me to charge so much for the set when the only thing that’s unique about it is two characters. Like, this could easily be a $10 box of generic Legos that just happens to have a Minecraft sticker on it.

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