Nintendo May Release a New Seaman for Some Reason

And it's about time, I guess.

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In news that exactly nobody was waiting for, Yoot Saito, creator of the infamously weird fish-talking sim, Seaman, posted the above picture to Twitter, saying that he has to start thinking about the end of the year. Nintendo was hinting at a 3DS release of a new Seaman a few months ago, so it seems we may be able to look forward to this some time around the holiday season.

Finally, a game that will have 3DS owners go from asking themselves “Why did I even buy this thing?” to “No, seriously, why did I buy this thing?”

[Via Complex]

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About the Contributor

From 2007 to 2013


  1. Brilliant idea…. *facepalm* that picture disturbs me. I showed my sister and she was concerned about what I’m looking at online.

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