Bunker Punks is a Breath of Fresh Air for the Roguelike Genre

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Indie developer Ninja Robot Dinosaur has really outdone themselves this time and I’m not just talking about their awesome name. Last week, they unveiled the new trailer for their latest game Bunker Punks and I have to say that it looks incredibly impressive.

Bunker Punks is going to be utilizing a charming pixelated style for the art, and the accompanying soundtrack (which you’ll get a taste of in the video below) seems pretty intense. But it’s the unique gameplay fusion here that’s going to ultimately make this a title that you want to keep your eyes on.

Bunker Punks is going to play much like the classic FPS Doom. There will be circle strafing. You will be expending an absurd amount of ammunition. It already has all of those little things that still make Doom fun to play even to this day. If that doesn’t already have your attention there is a twist: The game is also a roguelike. There are quite a few characters to choose from, but one misstep will ensure that your character creation screen will be one slot shorter for the rest of your playthrough. This might hit you hard considering your characters will level up and gain new and more powerful abilities as you continue to circle strafe your way towards victory. Combined with the loot you will pick up from each level, you’ll surely find a favorite punk that you’ll love to conquer levels with.


The game promises to stay fresh, too, with each level you play through being completely procedurally generated. You will never know what’s lurking around each corner. On top of all this, it seems like the game will incorporate a survival system where you use resources you gather from levels to upgrade your personal bunker! This seems like it’ll have a ton of great applications for your team such as healing sicknesses and helping them train to become some truly unstoppable forces.

If all of this interests you, you can pre-order Bunker Punks either from their official website or the Humble Store.

7 votes, average: 7.71 out of 107 votes, average: 7.71 out of 107 votes, average: 7.71 out of 107 votes, average: 7.71 out of 107 votes, average: 7.71 out of 107 votes, average: 7.71 out of 107 votes, average: 7.71 out of 107 votes, average: 7.71 out of 107 votes, average: 7.71 out of 107 votes, average: 7.71 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

From 2014 to 2017

Justin Nowosielski is the writer for GameCola.net who takes all of the video games he plays way too seriously. Don't try to tell him that an extra four damage per attack doesn't matter. It does.


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