This Yard Has Saled #A: Update 2020

We're still gonna talk about games, just slightly differently now!

With content involving Tags , , ,

I heard somewhere that humans like videos. I don’t remember where, but it was probably in a video.

With that being said, and in all seriousness, I’ve decided to turn my column This Yard Has Saled into a video column! I’ve taken the liberty of preparing all of you by making a short update video that explains things more enthusiastically and with (hopefully) more humor than I could ever hope to muster using a keyboard.

In changing formats, I hope you’ll enjoy something more digestible and with more quirkiness, personality, and experimentation moving forward. Things will largely stay the same, with yours truly regaling the masses with tales of my videogame collecting endeavors. But I will now be able to include interviews with friends and sellers, as well as recurring segments that couldn’t be implemented into a text-based format.

Check out the video on GCdotnet for more details and to see my glorious hair in action. Thanks for sticking with me this long!

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About the Contributor

Since 2018

Matt has been playing videogames since he first handled a Sega Genesis controller (and subsequently a Super Nintendo controller) in 1996, but now his life has spiraled out of control and he's a videogame collector and historian. Gaming is a gigantic part of his life, and trust me, he makes sure everyone knows it.

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