• Frankenstein: The Monster Returns (NES)

    ...in the head with a hammer to do the translating. For those of you who paid attention in literature class, or at least saw one of the many film adaptations,...

  • Lethal Weapon (NES)

    ...film. Considering Mel Gibson’s politics, that may not be far from the truth. The troubling part in this scenario is Danny Glover, forced to play the conflicted Uncle Tom character...

  • Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee (PC)

    Walking, talking, large, muscular mounds of sound are all too prevalent in gaming nowadays. This tradition is obviously not exclusive to gaming and probably has its roots in film. Guys...

  • The Muppets: On With the Show (GBA)

    ...insult to the world of gaming only to find, to my abject despair, that it bore the name ”The Muppets”. Film and television tie-in games are seldom any good, but...

  • Beauty & the Beast (IV)

    ...isn’t a whole lot for you to remember—move left and right to reach the ladder, move up to climb up the ladder, and jump over the various objects that Horrible...

  • Philly Classic 5 Report

    ...the series, and not their gameplay). – Fungicide (DVD): It appears to be a movie about a killer mushroom. The director and star of the film were the ones selling...

  • Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (PS2)

    ...the game. The controls in the game freaked me out at first. Circle is jump. For the past six years, Square was jump. Now they switch Square to roll. I...

  • Pokémon Snap (N64)

    ...How does that make it different from other Pokémon games, you ask? Because you capture the Pokémon on film, hence the “Snap” in Pokémon Snap. While it might seem like...

  • Carbonated News (November 2003)

    ...video game — it’s a CGI movie. The film is set two years after the original PSX Final Fantasy VII, and stars Cloud Strife, along with two brand new characters....

  • Spice World (PS1)

    ...known as “Television Studio,” where you film the girls doing your dance to your remix. You determine which camera angles are used at what times, a considerable task without being...