• Dear Readers: Write For Me, Part 2: Paul in a Bikini!

    ...advertising, the United States, and portals. We also don’t like Wind Waker all that much, or obnoxious Hellgate players. Help us vent these frustrations by reading the new issue, rating...

  • Pokémon Trading Card Game (GBC)

    ...due with the TCG. After the card game had about a year and a half to settle into the United States, Nintendo threw out a videogame based on a card...

  • Captain Eric’s Super Thumb Feature Presentation

    ...an update to the classic NES Rampage game. Now instead of just leveling your way through the United States, you’re running wild through the entire world! This game has one...

  • Cruis’n USA (N64)

    ...about thirty minutes) The Grand Canyon, Mt. Rushmore, and the White House whiz by certainly lacks something in realism, but this condensed version of the United States makes for a...

  • Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi’s Journey (GBC)

    ...order to defeat the head baddie and retrieve his sister. Dragon Warrior Monsters, while not a monumental success as far as “money earned” is concerned (in the United States, anyway),...

  • Default Thumbnail

    … of the Month: Lufia

    ...join you if you defeat him in battle. There is another Lufia game coming out in the United States this fall, I believe. It is for the Game Boy Advance,...

  • Carbonated News (September 2002)

    ...If you live in the United Kingdom and wish to apply, visit www.mynameisturok.co.uk and drop your name into Acclaim’s hat by Sept. 2. – The first ever video game career...

  • Carbonated News (February 2003)

    ...Link. The United States will be seeing this interesting title sometime around August of this year. On March 23rd of this year, North America finally gets its backlit portable console...

  • Final Fantasy III (SNES)

    (Please note: Although this game was published in the United States as Final Fantasy III for Super Nintendo, it is more commonly [and more accurately] known as Final Fantasy VI.)...

  • Tobal No. 1 (PS1)

    ...Fantasy VII. Even with these connections, Tobal didn’t make as big of a splash as it should have in the United States. Now that we’re done this little history lesson,...