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    Digital Championship Wrestling: Sora vs. Mega Man

    ...wait for today’s matchup! It is a classic bout of the old school versus the new school as venerable MegaMan is taking on the up and coming Kingdom Hart’s Sora!...

  • Rayman Advance (GBA)

    ...as the game goes along, so he can revisit older levels to get new items. The momentum sometimes feels a bit weird, but this is easily accustomed to after about...

  • Beauty & the Beast (IV)

    Rather than describe the story of this game myself, I think I’ll let the instruction booklet do that for me, for it seems to have a much better idea of...

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    Dear Readers: Disjointed Thoughts

    ...in a fight… Paul Franzen Editor-in-Chief e-mail: pfranzen@gamecola.net P.S. Be sure to check out Julie Kozarsky’s brand new advice column, “Cheat Codes for Life”, which debuts this month. And while...

  • WWF In Your House (PS1)

    ...I say “better” in the sense that it’s better than Acclaim’s other sports entertainment titles—it, like pretty much anything else in this specific genre, doesn’t hold a candle to THQ’s...

  • Aladdin (GG)

    I’m really glad that this game isn’t just a straight port of the better-known Aladdin title for Super Nintendo. If it were, this review wouldn’t be happening—I’ve yet to be...

  • … of the Month: Logitech PS2 Netplay Controller

    ...buddy is talking to me! I’d better respond! *fumble* *type* ahh crap dropped my damned controller *shift* ah crap dropped my keyboard aaaaah DAMMIT PAUL STOP KILLING ME WHILE I’M...

  • Philly Classic 5 Report

    ...a realistic-looking proton pack), and I knew that I’d have been totally owned in the competition. Speaking of competition, Philly Classic 5 had it’s fair share of gaming contests, including...

  • Jeopardy! (NES)

    ...to be sharing), but I’d bet that it works wondrously with the NES Advantage. That manipulation of the controller to make the game three-player is rather novel, and I feel...

  • Arc the Lad (PS1)

    ...people would consider “new” in videogames, it doesn’t make the game at all boring or tedious to play. In fact, since this game can be easily beaten in 10 hours...