Archive for Tag: Abobo
GameCola’s Most Essential/Influential Games of All Time (A-D)
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
The games that shaped our childhoods, taught us the meaning of pain, and showed us the meaning of true love.
Abobo’s Big Adventure is an Awesome Ridiculous Crossover
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
Remember when Super Mario Crossover came out last year, and we all thought it was real neat, because you could play as Link in Mario 1, or as Mega Man, or as…Contra Guy, with the gun? Well shit just got real. Shit just got real real. Check out the life-changing event that isĀ Abobo’s Big Adventure: … Continue reading "Abobo’s Big Adventure is an Awesome Ridiculous Crossover"
Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES)
Reviews by Mark Freedman on
It's a very influential series, and this is one of the first games to introduce a nice co-op fighting mode.