Archive for Tag: Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee
Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee (PC)
Reviews by Matthew Fraser on
Perhaps difficult to find now, this game is worth the cash you'd find it on eBay or Amazon for.
Great Moments in Gaming #4
Columns by Stuart Gipp on
Playing Abe's Oddysee, you are tramping around Rupture Farms, experimenting with the buttons. You press a certain button combination and a flatulent sound is heard. Your brain goes into joy-spasms. Did --- did the lead character just FART? You try it again. Abe farts again. You cry tears of joy. Then you find a sleeping enemy and fart on him. He instantly wakes up and fillets you. You don't care --- ABE CAN, NAY, MUST FART AT WILL. When you find out that flatulence is integral to beating the game, you just laugh even harder.