Archive for Tag: Phoenix Wright: The Musical
Submit a Question for the Phoenix Wright Musical Team!
Blog Posts by Paul Franzen on
So, hey...remember that time I insisted that we never talk about Phoenix Wright on The GameCola Podcast ever again? Well, we're planning to have some very special guests for the next podcast recording
Join the Cast of the Phoenix Wright Musical!
News Posts by Michael Gray on
The Phoenix Wright Musical is holding open auditions for the role of Marvin Grossberg.
Phoenix Wright: The Musical is a Real Thing
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
To get the bitter taste of the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone out of your mouth, I've got something that's pretty much the opposite of that: Phoenix Wright, the musical. No, not that mus
Top Ten Reasons to Visit Japan in February 2009
Blog Posts by Paul Franzen on
That person is Ranju Tomu, and she--SHE!--will be starring in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – The Truth Comes Back to Life: A Phoenix Wright musical.