Archive for Tag: single-player games
Bomberman Hero (N64)
Reviews by Eric Bell on
It's not your average Bomberman game.
Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (PC)
Reviews by Nathaniel Hoover on
A cameo by Lando Calrissian wouldn't hurt.
Versus Mode: Bad Games, Good Games, Single-Player Games, and More
Columns by GameCola on
Grey Dog Software's Adam Ryland and Liquid WoW's Steve Hamner discuss whether single-player games are on the outs, whether companies should bother to release bad games, the Game of the Year for 2010, and more.
Super Battleship (SG)
Reviews by Paul Franzen on
If you bought Super Battleship and you expected more than you got, it's YOU who has the problem, man, not Super Battleship.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (SMS)
Reviews by Stuart Gipp on
This game has plenty of merits and is in many ways superior to its 16-bit cousin.
Sword of Mana (GBA)
Reviews by Matt Gardner on
Sword of Mana is, in fact, not a sequel at all. It's not really even a completely new game.
Iggy’s Reckin’ Balls (N64)
Reviews by Matt Gardner on
Keep your pants on this time and get ready for some serious ball-breaking action!
Wall Street Kid (NES)
Reviews by Paul Franzen on
You'll have a great time playing Wall Street Kid. I'm as shocked as you are.