Archive for Tag: videogame music
Featured Game Soundtrack: Breath of Fire III
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
Most PlayStation games haven't aged well. Then there's Breath of Fire III.
Featured Game Soundtrack: Soul Blazer
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
The entire sound of the game changes when you're familiar with the composer's other work.
Featured Game Soundtrack: Undertale
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
Toby Fox has done some amazing things with Undertale, and the music is no small part of that.
Featured Game Soundtrack: Cave Story
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
A classic indie title with a classic soundtrack, but does it still stand up today?
The Importance of Music in Videogames
Blog Posts by Anna Bryniarski on
Anna is back with opinions, this time on music in videogames.
Featured Game Soundtrack: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
How has this column never covered Ace Attorney?
Featured Game Soundtrack: Lufia & The Fortress of Doom
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
A classic soundtrack...if you can get past it being out of tune.
Featured Game Soundtrack: Scurge: Hive
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
Whether you play it on the GBA or the DS, you're in for a treat. Well, if you're not actually playing and just listening to the music, anyhow.
Ace Attorney Slam Jam Intermission
Videos by Alex Jedraszczak on
No posts for today! Please enjoy this musical interlude instead.
Featured Game Soundtrack: Solstice: The Quest for the Staff of Demnos
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
The soundtrack of Solstice is so layered that it's hard to believe the NES is capable of producing these sounds.