Hey, with crossover games behind us, that means I’ve finally made it through the YouTube podcast archive up to 2011! Truly, this is progress. For those of you who only believe it exists if it’s documented here on GameCola.net, allow me to introduce The GameCola Podcast #33…in video format! Yes, now you can watch sound with your eyes. It’ll take a moment for the mind-blowing depth of that statement to sink in, so let’s move on and take a gander at yet another podcast where I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about.
Brought to you in four parts, here’s—oh, it just sank in. Well, now that your mind has been blown, let’s fill that now-empty space between your ears with meandering babble from yours truly, Paul Franzen, Christian Porter, and Alex Jedraszszszagetashorterlastnamealready. Should our total lack of qualifications to discuss 3D games fail to enthrall you, there’s always the repurposed footage of someone else playing Kid Icarus for the NES. It’s entirely possible this game is somehow more relevant to the podcast topic than the entire podcast.
Great podcast you guys. definitely seems like you all care about the art and craft of gaming, and multimedia. Sometimes i find, that the gaming world has borrowed a lot of its story elements and ideas from new age, animation movies, and trendy new types of movies. Now, people are actually starting to recognize the gamer world. gamers deserve a say to! keep it up guys.
love the site name to by the way….