The (Super Mario Bros. 3) video was made on an emulator, using plenty of savestates and retakes. It was later edited together using some… editing program. I think the guy who did it has officially told us that, but I could just be a moron.
Hope that helps and great mag,
This is drew dahrty i am calling you out. You tell me a time and a place where i can beat your head in motherfucker. Its now or never shit mouth.
I hate you,
Drew Dahrty.
Here it is! For the first time EVER… Loafy Carl… IN 3D! This sculpture was made in my senior year of high school. It is not based off of any character in particular from the Loafy Carl series, just more of a 3D version of the art style. It is the only one of its kind, for now, and it finds its home on top of my dresser at home:
– Neal Iannone
– Zac Capen
– Terrence Atkins