The Gates of Life: Episode 28 – WTF is an Island?

Narrator: Enrique ate a strange fruit given to him by one of his new followers. He no longer remembers anything about asking the innocent narrator to find him an island.

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Chapter Twenty-Eight
WTF is an Island?

Narrator: Enrique ate a strange fruit given to him by one of his new followers. He no longer remembers anything about asking the innocent narrator to find him an island.

President Enriquemaniaman (PE): Dude… Why am I a portal? WTF is an island…

Narrator: I don’t know.

Generic: But I do, President.

PE: Oh my word, it’s Generic.

Generic: That’s right, I’m back.

Audience: Hooray!

Generic: Enough of that, this is important business.

PE: What is it?

Generic: I have something important to tell you about your past… and your future, Mr. President.

Narrator: Oh man, this is so creepy you guys! Like a mystery!

Generic: You are actually from the clan of Negalords who lead the Negaverse into war against the Intraverse in the 1960s.

President Enriquemaniaman the Negalord (PEN): Oh my word!

Generic: But that’s not all. You are the son of the great Imperious of the Negalords.

PEN: What does that even mean?

Generic: It means that when your father dies, you will inherit the title of the Negalord Imperious, and become leader of the Negalords.

PEN: Yes!! Muahahahahahahaha. Mooooooooooooo!!

Generic: There’s more.

Narrator: Go on!!

Generic: Your father is already dead.

President Enriquemaniaman the Negalord Imperious (PENI): Oh no… I never got to tell him… never how much I… oh man this sucks… luckily it is lessened by the fact that I now am an almighty Imperious!

Generic: Yes. And as such, I am now your loyal and devoted servant.

PENI: Are you a Negalord, too??

Generic: I am the only Negalord left, actually. Our empire was destroyed in the same battle that your father died in.

PENI: So… you are the only one…

Generic: Yep.

Narrator: Haaaaahahahahaa you dork, you are the almighty ruler of ONE DUDE! Aaaahahahahaaa!!

PENI: Shut up man, just shut up.

Render: You know what we need to do now, Enrique.

PENI: What?

Render: We need to finish our challenge. You have been following me, stopping me from getting romantic with my new love, QM girl. That’s right, QMI am in love with you.

QM Girl: Oh! That’s so sweet and creepy!

Render: It’s now or never. I challenge you, Enrique.

PENI: Challenge accepted.

Rivers: I have just the method to perform this challenge.

Narrator: Ooooh! What, what?!

Rivers: Crossfire!

Audience: Yooou’ll get caught up in the…

Rivers: Crossfire!

Render: Heh… That’s my game, fool. You have no chance.

PENI: We shall see. And if I win, I take your soul, AND the soul of your one true love.

QM Girl: Cliche… leave me out of this…

Render: Don’t worry about it, QM. I won’t lose. When I win, you will no longer try to destroy me and my crew. And also you have to add an S to your name.

PENI: Grrr!! Whatever, you’re on!

Which Gate Do You Choose?

Rendered Victor!

Render: HA! Both of those spinney things are now in your goal.. hole.. thing! I win!!

Enriquemania Runs Wild!

PENI: Muahahahahaa, you don’t mess with the S, I am victorious!


Generic: But wait, there’s more.

Narrator: So mysterious!

This poll ends on November 7.

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013

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