Dear Readers: Our New Logo!

Oh wonderful, beautiful Readers! You came through for me! In GameCola's time of need, you really came through for me. For us. For the Good People of GameCola. I bow before you and kiss your feet, heaping praise upon praise onto your humble being. I wrap you up tight in a big bear hug, singing songs of your greatness and shedding tears of my own joy. I shake your hand wildly and shout your name across the worlds, and I thank you, thank you, thank you.

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GameCola Headquarters
College Park, MD 20740

May 1, 2006

Dear Readers,

Oh wonderful, beautiful Readers! You came through for me! In GameCola’s time of need, you really came through for me. For us. For the Good People of GameCola. I bow before you and kiss your feet, heaping praise upon praise onto your humble being. I wrap you up tight in a big bear hug, singing songs of your greatness and shedding tears of my own joy. I shake your hand wildly and shout your name across the worlds, and I thank you, thank you, thank you.

The “Holy Crap Please Make Us a New Logo” contest has come to an end, an exquisite, delicious, gratifying end. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The logo, if you were too blinded by its amazingness to see it on the main page, is this:


And we have no less than five people to thank for it:

Elizabeth Medina-Gray, who came up with the logo’s original design.

Craig Bass, who carefully pieced together the logo’s elegant background.

Eric Regan, who perfected Elizabeth’s design and added his own touches.

Matt Gardner, who offered critical advice and oversaw much of the logo’s creation.

And me, Paul Franzen, who put everything together into one incredible bundle of pure joy.

But one question remains, my faithful, loyal, and just Readers: Who gets the free t-shirt? Five people created this logo, and the Bank of GameCola can not afford that much clothing.

So it is up to you, the unyieldingly benevolent Readers, to decide who takes home the prize. Who’s it gonna be? Post your thoughts in the comments section of this article.

The choice is yours, and yours alone, my magnanimous Readers. The power is yours. The end result? It’s all yours. Choose wisely, and stand by your decision. And remember this day for the rest of your lives: After all, you made a great impact.


Paul Franzen
editor in chief

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013

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