[NSFW] Be Careful What You Search For #33 Comics inspired by actual search terms people have Googled to discover GameCola. Contributed by Terrence Atkins on December 1st, 2007 in Categories ComicsWith content involving Tags 14-year-old girls, Be Careful What You Search For, boobs, Cruis'n USA, Hellgate: London, NSFW, retards, Sunset Riders, Super Mario 64, Terrence Atkins, Yu-Gi-Oh! Drawing the keywords YOU Googled to discover GameCola. why is paul franzen a 14 year old girl cruisn usa naked sunsetriders vs boobs yu-gi-oh joy the passion crack super mario 64 code for ohh and whoa retards with attitude Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)