This edition of “The GameCola Podcast” features Michael Gray, Paul Franzen, and special guest star Marianne Fenwick. This one was recorded at the same time as The Big E3 Preview, so if you hear Marianne playing with puppies’ squeaky toys, that’s why.
Segment One: Versus Mode, in which we discuss about 50 topics.
- There is cover art for Nancy Drew: Ransom of the Seven Ships.
- Should stores be allowed to sell M-rated videogames to minors?
- California passed Governor Schwarzenegger’s awesome new law.
- Marianne refuses to let Michael make his point about Nancy Drew and licensed games.
- Rock Band and Guitar Hero are different, apparently.
- We start discussing why we don’t like GameStop.
- We start discussing the episode of Doug where Doug graduates.
- Check out more clips from Doug on the GameCola YouTube page.
Segment Two: GameCola News
- Should GameCola start a Movember team?
- Michael starts crying because the San Jose Sharks had the best record in the league in 80 years, but then they choked in the first round of the playoffs.
- Paul’s beard gets fanmail.
- We blatantly plug the GameCola YouTube page.
- We start talking about Ender’s Game.
Segment Three: We Talk About a Game All Three of Us Have Played
Segment Four: Games That Are Coming Out
- We discuss Wii Sports because Wii Sports 2 is coming out.
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is being coupled with the Wii version of Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.
- Should remakes have upgraded graphics?
- We so need to discuss playing Virtual Console games versus playing the original games. Let’s get Myrtle T. Blinkin on the podcast.
- Paul was disappointed by Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, so he’s not looking forward to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
- This is the longest deleted scene included on the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix DVD.
- As Kate said in her review, Okami wasn’t good on the Wii.
- Paul loved killing people in SimCopter.
- Paul’s review of Zoo Tycoon DS was totally awesome.