DS Stylus

A stylus shaped like a normal-sized pen. Complete with the soft finger-grip thing they use to teach small children how to hold a pen!

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As another year comes to an end, it becomes obvious that 2009 will be known as “the year that everyone except the Queen and the Pope lost their jobs”. It is also obvious that we should look back over the great games that came out this year, and…wait, we recorded a podcast about this topic already.

OK, new topic. Has anyone else realized that the DS stylus situation is really, really bad? Those things are smaller than golf pencils, which makes it a guarantee your hand will cramp if you play a stylus-intensive game like Metroid Prime Hunters or Legend of Zelda: DS. Even with non-stylus intensive games like Super Princess Peach, I find myself forgoing the stylus altogether and just tapping the screen with my thumb.

Fortunately, while on vacation, I stumbled upon a solution to this problem that caused me to stop playing the DS.


A stylus shaped like a normal-sized pen. Complete with the soft finger-grip thing they use to teach small children how to hold a pen! Losing the stylus is now near impossible, as is cramping your hand. Huzzah!

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About the Contributor

From 2007 to 2016

Michael Gray is a staff writer for GameCola, who focuses on adventure games, videos and writing videogame walkthroughs.

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