Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Playthrough

As a substitute for visiting Disney World this summer, Paul plays through an NES game about Disney World.

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What’s more fun than going to Disney World on your summer vacation? How about staying at home and pretending to go to Disney World by playing Adventures in the Magic Kingdom for the NES?

No, I didn’t think so, either.


Have some pity on poor Paul Franzen, who, in fact, stayed home playing a videogame about Disney World instead of actually going to Disney World. Observe the first two installments of Paul’s trip through this bizarre alternate reality Disney World, and because I know you’ll be at least mildly entertained, I encourage you to watch the whole video series on the GameCola YouTube channel.

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About the Contributor

Since 2009

Nathaniel Hoover is almost certainly GameCola's most verbose staff member, and arguably the most eclectic. As administrator of the GameCola YouTube channel (GCDotNet), occasional contributor to every article category on the site, and staff editor, you're pretty much stuck with him wherever you go. Sorry.

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