What happens when you put staff writers Paul Franzen, Matt Gardner, Captain Eric, Vangie Rich, and Michael Ridgaway all together in the same room with Michael’s cat…to play drag queens? Well, things get catty, of course!
Oh, wait. I meant Drama Queens. To play the Nintendo DS game Drama Queens. My lame cat pun still stands, though.
Paul, Matt, the Cap’n, Vangie, and Michael steal each other’s boyfriends, work dopey jobs, buy fabric, go to the opera, do their hair, and are generally prissy and competitive. While playing Drama Queens, I mean. At least, that’s what they’d have you believe; this little get-together was originally recorded as two video-free podcasts, and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they were just talking about their everyday lives, pretending they were playing some made-up game. After all, have you ever seen the game Drama Queens being sold at your local hardware store?
No? I rest my case.
In lieu of real footage of this “gaming session,” these videos cycle through pictures of whoever is talking so that you can recoil in horror whenever Capt—erm, so you can match faces to voices. It’s not all mugshots, though; the slideshow also includes occasional quirky text comments and shots of the fake game’s clearly fabricated “box art.”
If these videos sound at all like something you’re not embarrassed to be associated with, go ahead and watch them below. Not enough drama for you? Watch more of our podcasts on the GameCola YouTube channel. If you do, I’ll be your BFF.
Oh, and to clarify: The pun was lame, not the cat.
Oh boy! Now I wanna listen to it again!