Starring: Michael Gray, Paul Franzen, The Jeddy, and Mike Ridgaway, with super secret special guest Vangie Rich.
In this installment of The GameCola Podcast:
- Paul defends his love of Indiana Jones 4, much to Mike’s chagrin.
- Paul defends his opinions of EarthBound, also to Mike’s chagrin.
- Paul describes his attempts to play Icewind Dale, once again to Mike’s chagrin.
Also, everyone talks about the games they hope to include in the upcoming “Top 50 Games of All Time” feature that Christian Porter is coordinating (I think they forget to explain that this is what they’re talking about—sorry!), the games they’re playing right now, and much, much more.
Oh dear lord. I heard that he liked Indiana Jones 4, that was bad enough, but I had no idea that he felt it was the strongest of the series. If his favorite Star Wars is The Phantom Menace I’m starting a bloodthirsty lynch mob.