GameCola’s E3 news has been limited to discussing the press conferences by Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo, but there are plenty of other companies that gave press conferences, such as EA and Square Enix. So today’s E3 update is just a recap of random news, brought to us by these other companies.
- Konami announced that they are making Glee Karaoke Revolution. This is a karaoke game, based off the hit TV show that I haven’t watched. They also announced Silent Hill 8, coming next year, and they showed fancy footage of Castlevania: Harmony of Despair, which may or may not have the same soundtrack as the Glee game.
- Square Enix, in a move that surprises no one, says they are making Final Fantasy games. Final Fantasy XIV is going to be an MMO that launches later this year. Then, there’s Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light for the DS, which sounds suspiciously like another remake of the first Final Fantasy game, even though it’s not. Then, Final Fantasy Tactics is being remade for the iPhone. And on the Nintendo 3DS side of things, they’re making Chocobo Racing 3D and Kingdom Hearts 3D. The Kingdom Hearts game will use the same models as the original PS2 game.

- There’s a game called Rock of the Dead, in which you play rock music to kill zombies. It uses the Guitar Hero/Rock Band guitar accessories, and it is only through the power of music that you will be able to save your town from the impending zombie apocalypse. No, I’m not making this up.
- Oh, by the way, Nintendo is developing a 3DS remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the most popular Zelda game ever. They didn’t mention this at their press conference, because it was apparently not important enough. It will be interesting to see what changes Nintendo will make to this game; after all, they implemented big changes in the DS remake of Super Mario 64, so it’d be foolish not to expect them to do the same thing here.
- Capcom announced the fifth game in their blockbuster series, and that sound you hear is GameCola head editor Paul Franzen screaming for joy at the prospect of another Phoenix Wright game. Sorry, Paul! It’s Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition, which is basically a remake of last year’s Resident Evil 5, only now it supports the PlayStation Move. Fortunately, it seems that you won’t have to purchase a brand new game to have access to it; it will come via a free software update.
- GameCola heard from Bad Chicken, who ended up being really nice about our joke that they weren’t a real company. Bad Chicken is selling the Chicken Stick, a golf club accessory that attaches to the Wii-mote in order to deliver a more authentic golfing experience. And we have an exclusive picture, which we may or may not have taken straight from their webiste:
- Another nice company that offered to meet us at E3 was Mumbo Jumbo, a company that has nothing to do with Banjo-Kazooie, but how awesome would that be if we got a sneak peak at the next Banjo-Kazooie game? Zach Rich would love it. Anyway, Mumbo Jumbo’s lineup of casual games is moving off the computer and onto other systems. You can expect to see Mahjong Journey hit the DS and a Samantha Swift collection hit the Wii, all later this year.
- One of the other Friends of GameCola™, Telltale Games, talked more about their Jurassic Park and Back to the Future series. Telltale always makes adventure games, but they want to try something a little bit different this time around. Instead of “adventure games,” these games will be “cinematic adventure games”…which kind of sounds like the same thing. Maybe this means there will be more cutscenes than normal? Or maybe it just means the adventure games are based on movies, in which case, we already figured that out.
- Oh, and EA ended their press conference with a trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Needless to say, it is very fancy-looking.
Well, that’s it for E3 news, unless I missed something important, which I probably did. In any case, it’s been quite an exciting week at E3 this year, and we hope next year will be just as good.