Got twenty-three seconds of your life that you aren’t planning on using for anything else? Celebrate the ushering in of the New Year, the GameCola way.
Got twenty-three seconds of your life that you aren’t planning on using for anything else? Celebrate the ushering in of the New Year, the GameCola way.
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Was this in the game or did you haxor your N64?
You really dropped the ball on this video.
Daniel: Oh, zing!
Mark: Did you–are you–N64? SNES ROM hack, dude. Your geek cred is on probation until further notice.
Nathaniel, I guess you haven’t modded your N64 to play SNES and Gamecube games????
I was kidding of course (as in all my previous posts). I WAS in the metroid podcast…
Oh, un-zing! Your geek cred is restored. 😉