[NSFW] Saints Row: The Third is a Game for Psychopaths

I initially watched this gameplay demonstration of Saints Row: The Third with the audio turned all the way down, so maybe I missed some key explanations regarding how all the townsfolk in this game

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saintsrowI initially watched this gameplay demonstration of Saints Row: The Third with the audio turned all the way down, so maybe I missed some key explanations regarding how all the townsfolk in this game are actually necropedophiles who deserve everything that’s coming to them. But in case I didn’t…holy crap. If you don’t watch anything else, you at least gotta see the weapon they introduce at around the 6:30 mark.

I’ve never played a Saints Row game before; is the premise basically “GTA, but with the awesomeness turned, like, way up”? Because that’s kinda what it looks like.

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013


  1. If you thought Grand Theft Auto IV is “too serious”, you’ll really enjoy Saints Row. I suggest you start at the second one, you don’t miss much story to be honest and the first one is just dire.

  2. I just started playing Saints Row 2, and the premise seems to be: “This is what GTA should be like.” Someone at Volition had the mind blowing epiphany that people playing a sandbox game would rather run around causing mayhem than watch the lead character contemplate his navel for twenty hours.

  3. Wow, this is my first time seeing a Saints Row game in action. I thought Saints Row was going to be like those 50 cent games, which I can only imagine suck donkeys.

    So, are there police in this game? Are there story missions, or do you literally just screw around?

  4. Gasp, Mark, you must have been ill-informed! 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is an excellent game! *ahem* If Saints Row: The Third is anything like its predecessors, there will be four story arcs, one for each ‘gang’ and one for the main bad guys. Each one will contain missions and a story of their own, which bleed into the main story. There is a police force, and they will try to arrest you if you’re picking on pedestrians, but will turn a blind eye to gang violence unless it is in a really public place.

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