CodeMasters has set up a teaser website revealing that a certain vastly influential character from the early days of home-computer videogames will soon be making a return.
I’ll give you just one guess…
Of course it’s Dizzy. The one and only prince of the yolkfolk. I don’t know whether to be excited, or angry.
I wonder if this means we’ll be seeing a new Game Genie device? It is nice to see the retro CodeMasters logo on the egg-box. What kind of game will it be? For what console or distribution service? It’s all a mystery right now, but one thing is for sure: no egg puns, please.
Editor’s note: There’s a teaser trailer now, too!
No egg puns?! Let’s not count our chickens before they’re hatched now…
Nice, that one had me cracking up.
I might have to cry fowl if any more egg puns come up. Sunny side up, that is.
More egg puns? You guys need to get out of the henhouse more often.
It seems like you guys are frying too hard to be funny.
This is some great news!
nup gge
Don’t think I can’t read backwards, Mr.Jacobs.
I guess you were able to figure out which letters came first!
I’d be Lion if that wasn’t the case. (The Lion is a symbol of high standard for eggs in the UK).
You had to reach pretty far beyond the free range for that one, Jonas.
I thought we wouldn’t see any more of Dizzy, but I guess it’s not ovum until the fat lady sings. I’m surprised the license didn’t get poached away from them sooner. Although now that their fan base have grown from young boys to albuMEN I feel they might just be nucleus of pander-ing to their sense of nostalgia. The only question now is whether this game will be on germanal disc or a distribution service like Steam.
Excuse me, germinal disc, I mean.
(i just started up zelda, but i would rather play a new dizzy right now!!!)
I hope they get the same Camerica people to do the soundtrack
The Camerica composers were some of the damn best back in the day.