Archive for Tag: Matt Jonas
GC Podcasts #30-31 on YouTube: Don’t Age, Metroid
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
From the cradle to Crateria, from retirement to Ridley, this pair of podcasts covers everything you might expect from videos with titles like these.
Animaniacs on Game Boy on YouTube
Videos by GameCola on
In case you missed it on YouTube, it's now on our Actual Internet Website!
[NSFW] Q&AmeCola: Games That Don’t Deserve to Be as Fun as They Are
Columns by Jeff Nemeth and GameCola Staff on
These games may not deserve to be fun, but this Q&A deserves to be read.
[NSFW] SushiBites: Fantastic Night Dreams Cotton
Videos by Matt Jonas on
You've seen it on YouTube—now see it on our Actual Internet Website!
GC Podcast #84: Do They Have Tacos in Britain?
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on Gaming Outside the Mainstream is known for asking the hard-hitting questions, and the GameCola Podcast is no exception.
Day One Buyer’s Remorse? Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Blog Posts by Matt Jonas on
Sometimes, it's better to wait for a Steam sale.
Q&AmeCola: Worst/Most Disappointing Endings
Columns by Mark Freedman on
What game's ending disappointed YOU the most?
The 2014 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
The most important event of the year—and, it's only January!
The Second Annual GameCola HoHoHoliday LIVEcast Extravaganza on YouTube
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
John McClane fights a guy in his underwear, Santa shreds guitar, and Duke Nukem gets killed by a snowman. Must be the HoHoHoliday LIVEcast!
Q&AmeCola: The Future of Videogames
Columns by Mark Freedman on
What do YOU think the future of gaming will be like?